Conaboy & Associates General Services Brochure
- Conaboy & Associates Assistive Technology Services Brochure
- FAQ: Occupational Therapy’s Role in Transition Services and Planning
- Transitions for Children and Youth. How Occupational Therapy Can Help
- Family Activity Brochures
- Provider Notes (English) (En Español)
- Caregiver Guide (English) (En Español)
- Community Activities (English) (En Español)
- Playtime (English) (En Español)
- Eating and Feeding (English) (En Español)
- Dressing (English) (En Español)
- Bathing (English) (En Español)
- Diapering and Toileting (English) (En Español
Our Favorite Blogs
There is great information out there! Here are some of our lesser known favorites:
The Mama OT blog is written by Christie Kiley, and she posts tips for parents such as addressing throwing behavior, and using tongs to develop hand skills.
The Embrace Your Chaos blog, written by Dana Eliot, features ideas for play, activities, and crafts (check out her 101 ways to play series).
Bea is an occupational therapist whose son had a major stroke on the day of his birth. She blogs at Stroke of OT and provides information and resources about incorporating therapy into everyday life.
Special Education and Advocacy
Council for Exceptional Children
ABC’s for Life Success – Special Education Advocacy Firm
Special Needs Financial Planning
Sensory Information
Halloween Tips (English), (Spanish)
Working with Schools and Sensory Needs
Alerting and Calming Sensory Diet Ideas
Step by Step Classroom Visual Schedule Ideas
Visual Schedule Images and Ideas
Assistive Technology
AAC – Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
The Assistive Technology Blog: A Publication from the Virginia Department of Education
Yoga, Meditation, Energy Work
Radiant Child – Meditation for Children
Ways Kids Benefit from Yoga: Mind Body Green
Why Kids and Yoga Go Together: PBS
Benefits of Yoga for Kids: Yoga Journal
Activity, Motor, Play and Development Ideas
Hand on Activities for Kids
Encourage Speech and Language
Super Duper Speech
Talk. Read. Sing.Educational/Academic Resources
Do2Learn Helpful Academic Tips & Resources
Georgetown University Autism Clinic
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
CNMC’s Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Nutrition, Mealtime, Picky Eaters, and Obesity
Teaching Tools for Young Children
Visual Strategies and How To’s
Routines Based Support Guide to support young children and behavioral needs
DC Family Life and Parenting
Bedtime Routines (English), (Spanish)
How To Pick a Toy
Learning Through Play